GST Planning

Dynasty Trusts: How They Work, Why They're So Powerful

The Dynasty Trust is an integral part of any estate planner's practice. But not all Dynasty Trusts are created equal. There are different ways to design and draft a Dynasty Trust. Which situs should be used, and why? How do we design an irrevocable Dynasty Trust to provide the greatest degree of beneficiary control and the greatest degree of creditor and divorce protection, yet at the same time provide for flexibility to make changes? And what might Congress do to Dynasty Trusts? This presentation is a must for every attorney, CPA, financial advisor and trust officer who wishes to have a solid understanding of the Dynasty Trust concepts.

This two-part course will:

· Describe the basics of a Dynasty Trust so that even an attendee who is new to this subject matter has a solid foundation

· Explain the differences among some of the leading Dynasty Trust jurisdictions

· Summarize how a Dynasty Trust can best be drafted for maximum creditor and divorce protection

· Provide details about many of the ways an estate planner can best utilize a Dynasty Trust given the high estate tax exemption

· Demonstrate how protective a third-party discretionary trust can be

· Reveal creative income tax bracket shifting opportunities, as well as income tax basis step-up strategies

Your certificate will be awarded upon your successful completion of the course requirements comprised of two comprehensive video lectures, which will be followed by a 10 question multiple choice test.
  • How to take this course
  • video lectures
  • Dynasty Trusts, How They Work, Why They're So Powerful, Part 1
  • Dynasty Trusts, How They Work, Why They're So Powerful, Part 2
  • ppt decks
  • Dynasty Trusts: How They Work, Why They're So Powerful, Part 1
  • Dynasty Trusts, How They Work, Why They're So Powerful, Part 2
  • final exam
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 1 year